Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Angels Are Here

Today's post will be short. But I pray it will be enlightening. 

As we do so much for our families and friends, we need to be mindful of those who have little. You may be the only face of Jesus that they will see this Christmas.

Be blessed...

The Angels Are Here

We pulled our old wagon

through drifts of fresh snow,

brimming with Christmas

for those needing it most.

Meowing friends hitched a ride

amid wrap that concealed

slates, chalk, and pennies,

rag dolls, mittens, socks,

plus mouthwatering scents

of baked ham, cakes, and pies.

As we trudged down the hill,

a cry rang through the woods…

“Die Engel sind hier!”

(The angels are here!)

There were smiles, hugs, and tears

from the poorest of folk.

Their renewed sense of hope

stirred the depths of our hearts.

And in offering our love,

it was we who were blessed.

Michelle Close Mills ©

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