Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Handing It Over

Handing it over to God; where nothing will ever get messed up.

This task is often hard for me. I suspect it’s hard for everyone because our collective lives would be so much simpler if we did it.

I tend to be a fixer upper. You have a problem? Bring it to me. I’ll fix it for you. I’m nurturing to the point of annoyance. More often than not, when things go wrong I’m up to my eyebrows in the thick of things, working the problem.

Even after I gave it to the Lord to handle.

In the past when I’ve had my back against the wall with no way out, I’ve prayed and literally let go and let God. And in return He’s moved with lightning speed and fixed what was broken.

Why so fast?

Probably because He didn’t have to trip over me and my expert problem solving abilities.  

Moral of the Story: If we yank the problem back to ruminate over it after giving it to God, then He’ll step away and let us have at it. Hand it over and let Him do His thing. His way is always best.

Lately due to some sobering life changes, I've have become rather wishy washy in my faith; pathetic considering how God has patched me up time and again, and in ways I could have never dreamed possible. It's so easy to forget just how good we have it.

So I’m telling you about what I have experienced, not only encourage you but to encourage me too. A reminder of how much the Father loves us all.


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