Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Enough is Enough

As the election draws near, it seems we are stumbling faster and further down a precipice of civility; one without a rope to pull us back up to safety.

Relationships that date back to the flood have been tossed aside like rubbish because of sharp disagreements over Democrat and Republican ideology. The more I listen the more I realize that what we argue about isn’t about whom will take the oath of office.

It’s about being RIGHT.

I wrote the following poem five years ago after some cousins went to war over their late father’s estate. They hadn’t spoken to him in years. But after he passed away they were willing to sacrifice all they’d ever been to each other to squabble over his knick knacks, a small insurance policy and a mobile home on a rented lot.

I can’t think of anything more pitiful. Except for over fifty million voters behaving the same way.


Why do we cling
to the talons of rage,
like the drowning grasp buoys
in a mad tossing sea?
When does one grant forgiveness,
and let it all go…
replacing cruelty
with peace,
with agreement,
with the sweetness of love?
We often forget
what the fight was about…
yet we never forget
our angst and
our pride.
How much payback
will do
before anger destroys
our hearts,
our souls,
all that we are?
Like a cancer
eroding our lives
from within….
Is that pound of flesh
worth all we could lose?
When will enough
be enough? ©

Be good to each other. Love one another, as the Father loves you. He doesn’t care what’s printed on your voter registration card.

He looks at what’s printed on your heart.



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