Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Slow Motion

Hubs and I never knew what it was like to have a home to ourselves until recently. From the moment we married we’d been a party of three.

Like a lot of young couples, Hubs and I “tested the water” prior to marriage. When I walked down the aisle, I was about six weeks pregnant with our daughter Julie. I didn’t realize she was in there until after the honeymoon and the smell of coffee (a staple in my diet) made my stomach roll.

When Julie came along, the years that followed are somewhat of a blur. Babyhood, homework, bubble baths, swing sets, report cards, school dances and graduation; there were so many beautiful, precious moments. Time simply flew by.  

It took quite a while to adjust to a having an empty nest. We’d raced around like maniacs for decades, thus dialing it back was unfamiliar territory.

Tonight, I came home and prepared to throw dinner together. I’ve gotten lazy over the years and let dinners like Hamburger Helper do the cooking. 

Suddenly I was seized by the desire to do it myself; the old fashioned way.

I sliced up some turkey sausage, red potatoes and onion.  After browning the onion, I added the potatoes and sausage, added garlic salt and fairy dust.  When my simple skillet concoction was done, the house smelled cozy and we ate like a couple of longshoremen. 

I can’t remember the last time I prepared something that didn’t come out of a box.

As I cleaned up the dishes and puttered around the kitchen, a cool breeze whooshed in and my darling purring furballs Maggie and Simon scampered around each other playing with a catnip mouse. Then a few of the Muscovy ducks from our pond waddled by the back porch, amiably quacking while foraging for bugs.

It seemed as though my world was in slow motion. 

Golly it felt good. 

I think I’ll do it again tomorrow. You should too.

Love and blessings,

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