Friday, November 9, 2012

We the Employers

In the last few days the world has become a happier place.

Can you feel it?

I can tell that people are in a better frame of mind by reading Facebook.

The gusher of posts about politics have been reduced to a mere trickle.

The shouts of hurray along with moans of grief have been replaced by the rekindling of old friendships.

I’m seeing cheerful posts.

And the jokes. They are BACK and they show up on my page every day. The fun stuff is emerging from the dark recesses of anger.

It’s finally over.

The people have spoken. They spoke loudly and emphatically, with many having stood in line to vote for hours to cast their ballots. The lines were reminiscent of the old days, waiting to buy rock concert tickets.

Those folks were determined to wait out the indecent amount of time required to fulfill one of our greatest privileges as Americans.

And for better or worse, their voices were heard. Our voices were heard. A message was sent. Those seeking re-election in two years appear nervous, which may pave the way for a more bi-partisan Congress. Perhaps they will be encouraged to act on our behalf for a change. They know that we’re watching them, and judging them based on their performance. 

Or lack thereof.

I’m not foolish enough to believe that the payola and back room deals won’t continue. But as those elected officials stuff their off shore bank accounts with ill gotten gains, they do so with the knowledge that their employers have the power to send them packing. We did it before and we will do it again. 

I'm so proud of US.
The recent election has reminded Americans of how much clout we have if we work together.  May we always remember our superior position of importance on the political food chain. 

I've heard that politicians taste like chicken.

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